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Eros and Psyche, one of the most famous lovers of antiquity
The Greek god of love Eros (roman Amor, Cupido) was often to be found armed with bows and arrows in the company of his mother Aphrodite. With his arrows, he aroused not only the love between man and woman, but also the love between men. In the philosophy of Socrates and Plato, Eros is spiritualized.
In Hellenism, Eros was represented younger and younger. As a fluttering, pert catch, he tormented gods and humans with his bullets. The cherubs of the Renaissance derive from the reds of antiquity. Many artists of later times were inspired by Eros and Psyche (Greek "soul") to paintings, sculptures, musical pieces and operettas.
The site of this terracotta depiction, dating from the beginning of the 1st century BC, was Pella, the capital of Macedonia at that time, the birthplace of Alexander the Great. Exhibit of the museum in Pella, inventory no. 81183, replica original size.