Semi-sculptural depiction of the winged god of love Eros on a dolphin
This depiction symbolises the connection between love and the sea, which is often perceived as unpredictable and deep.
In ancient times, the dolphin was generally favoured and even protected in Greece. It was regarded as an attribute and symbol of Poseidon, who was depicted with a dolphin in his hand or under his feet. Taranto, Messina, Gades and other cities had a dolphin as their emblem. Some city coins from antiquity show a dolphin and trident. It appears as a popular motif in art and literature.
Ancient poets described its behaviour as revealing unselfish love for mankind. He was regarded as a symbol of philanthropy. The Greek chronicler Herodotus passed down the story of Arion, a poet and singer from Methymna on Lesbos in 600 B.C. When Arion was robbed by robbers on the journey from Taranto to Corinth and forced to jump into the sea, a dolphin carried him on its back to Cape Tainaron.
The pragmatic Romans tended to see the useful side and roasted sausages from dolphin meat.
This semi-sculptural relief dates back to 440 BC.