Hygieia Original, the following link will take you directly to the corresponding page
of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens (in the last third, please scroll down to the illustrations):
The health goddess Hygieia, daughter of the miracle healer Asklepios (lat. Aesculapius = Aesculap).
This particularly beautiful work of art is an exhibit of the Athens National Archaeological Museum under the inventory number 3602.
The term "hygiene" is derived from the name of the health goddess. The statue, of which only this head fragment is still preserved, was worshipped in the temples of Athena Alea in the ancient city of Tegea in the Arcadia countryside.
This masterpiece was created in 360 B. C. by the Greek sculptor and architect Skopas of Paros, the most famous late-classic marble sculptor besides Praxiteles.
He was particularly successful in breathing-in his works "Leben" ("Life"), and even when one looks at the Hygieia, it seems that her immediate state of mind is reflected on her face.
Amongst the Hippocratic writings is the text of an oath sworn by the gods Apollon, Asklepios, Hygieia and her sister Panakeia. At the end of this oath, there are rules on the conduct of physicians which, with minor changes since ancient times, could be regarded as the ethical basis of the profession of doctor.
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