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The Diskos of Phaistos,
found in 1909 in the palaces of Phaistos on Crete, it is one of the great mysteries of ancient archeology. Even when it comes to dating, the scientists do not agree. Most of them refer to a period of origin between the 16th and 18th century BC.
The 241 characters, which cover the discos on the front and back and are pressed into the sound with movable letters, depict equipment, animals, humans, plant parts etc.. Because there is nothing comparable, it is extremely difficult to decipher these formulaic symbols. Some see parallels to the 3,600 year old sun disk of Bebra and also assign the function of a calendar to this find.
Exhibit of the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion, inventory no. 1358.
Replica original size, with black marble base height 18.5 cm.